Sunday, December 24, 2006
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 22, 2006
Lucky Leo

Dirt Never Looked So Good

Reichen VS. Perez

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christina Wears Fur, And People Ain't Happy

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
My Worst Nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm frightened Aunty Em, I'm Frightened.
The (so far rumoured) 13 track album from EZ Records is to be released on February 6, 2007. The track listing is as follows.
1) Miss Sexy (God help me it's bad)
2) No Problem
3) Sunshine
4) How You Been? feat. Jamie Foxx (Quickly getting worse)
5) Like That
6) Around
7) Lazy (feat. Lupe Fiasco)
8) Your Love Is Always Good
Sarah Silverman - Give The Jew Girl Toys
"If you ask yourself what would Jesus do, he'd say give the Jew girl toys". Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate it.
Monday, December 18, 2006
The Reaping Trailer
This is the trailer for the new Hilary Swank movie. It looks like an awesome premise for a movie, it will probably be horrible though. Most movies that look this good turn out to be shit, and she is due for a bad movie. She hasn't really had one since The Core. Girls who live in their cars are fuckin' smart, let's face it.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Geri Halliwell and Kylie Minogue - arm wrestling
LOL. I just had to add this because...well...it's hot.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Jennifer Love Hewitt - Can I Go Now? (Live)
I decided to look up some Jennifer Love Hewitt video's and I came upon this clip of her singing the song Can I Go Now? from her album Barenaked, and I had to add it because I am quite impressed by her live vocal skills. Very few actresses turned singers can actually hold a tune while performing live but she does a great job.
Kylie Minogue - Interview with Cat Deeley (Sky) - Part 6/6
And finally part six of The Kylie Interview. The previous posting of this interview was no longer available on youtube so I reposted it. It is a must for this site.
Kylie Minogue - Interview with Cat Deeley (Sky) - Part 2/6
Part two of The Kylie Interview. This is a case of maintenance people.
Kylie Minogue - Interview with Cat Deeley (Sky) - Part 1/6
Part one of The Kylie Interview with Cat Deeley for Sky One, where she talks about her battle with breast cancer and her hopes for the future.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
New Black Christmas Trailer
Here is the trailer for the remake of the 1974 Canadian Horror Flick "Black Christmas". Given that I really enjoy the original film, I will probably hate the new version but they have added a bit more of a back story for Billy (the psycho on the loose), and they had enough sense to cast Andrea Martin (who played Phil, one of the sorority girls who gets butchered, in the original) in the role of the House Mother. Michelle Trachtenburg and Lacey Chabert star, and as the trailer says, it comes out Christmas day. Never saw that one coming.
Tara Maclean - Evidence
While I wait for a new album from Ms. Tara (and the new Shaye album which comes out in February), I can enjoy this video for the song Evidence from her first album "Silence", which I had not seen prior to posting it here. Fantastic if you ask me.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
These Precious Things!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Beyonce! Just Admit You're A Bitch!

Miss Jennifer Holiday 1982 Tony Awards - And I Am Telling You
Seeing as how the Dreamgirls Movie release is upon us, I thought we should have a look back on the original broadway production, and the incomparable Miss Jennifer Holiday in a performance of the shows signature song. I'm surprised she doesn't drop dead at the end of this performance. Hold on to your hats ladies and gentleman, and eat your heart out Jennifer Hudson, this is musical theatre at its most glorious.
Monday, December 04, 2006
How Cute Is She?

Not Your Prettiest Alias!

Janet To Excite The Billboard Awards

Janet has also recently been divulging information about her 2007 world tour.
"It's going to be a retrospective of my 20 years, and you know the choreography is going to be crazy. I'm excited about the ideas that Gil (choreographer and long time backup dancer)and I have come up with and I can't wait to hit the road".

The next single from 20 Y.O. is the mid-tempo, groovalicious track "With U". Enjoy the show tonight.
Friday, December 01, 2006
The Education Of Jennifer Connelly

Short Stuff Flips The Bird

Katie Sits At The Kids Table

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Woah Nelly!

Darling Print Ad

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
harry potter and the order of the phoenix trailer
Here is the teaser trailer for the new Harry Potter film. It looks as if it will be a good one. It's actually been a great franchise of movies, I haven't heard any complaints from the fans of the books. Well done kids.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Debbie Downer
This probably won't be up for very long (since NBC removes everything good from youtube) but I don't care, this is my favorite Debbie Downer skit. I love when they can't make it through without laughing. Please enjoy despite the presense of Ms. Lohan.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
New Deborah Music, Old Deborah Sound

The Holidays Are Officially Upon Us

Friday, November 17, 2006
Nerina Pallot - Everybody's Gone To War
I love the concept for this video, war in the supermarket. She's gorgeous, but it's too bad she looks like she has wonky eye in the beginning. By the way, I just learned her last name is pronounced Pal-O (no T)who knew.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Sex Is On!

Monday, November 13, 2006
Emma Bunton - Downtown (Full Video)
OMG! This may be the gayest, cheapest, and campiest video I have seen in quite awhile. Naturally I love it. I'm not at all impressed with Emma's covering skills on this song, but the pure camp value of the video makes up for it. It is a song she did for a childrens charity for the BBC, so we really can't ask for anything more than this. Emma's new album entitled "Life In Mono" will be released on December 4th in the UK.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Not Ready To Make Nice...Thank God

Natalie, Emily, and Martie take us withing the walls of their sisterhood for the three years that proceeded them in the wake of Natalie's now infamous statement to a London concert audience. Through the backlashes, death threats, boycotts, and public outcry for the three liberal chicks to keep their opinions to themselves, the girls take charge, reshaping and rebuilding their career without a hint of remorse, and I say Good For Them.
Personally, when I saw all the footage of what their so-called "fans" were saying about them after the comment, I really was gobsmacked. I could not believe that people living in a country as free and as frivolous as America, could be so angry at a performer for saying something as tame as "We're ashamed the President is from Texas". From being branded the Dixie Sluts to mothers trying to coax their 4 year old kids into saying "Screw the Dixie Chicks", to my favorite quote in the entire film " You can have freedom of speech all you want, but you don't say it on foreign soil, and you don't say it in a public gathering of that size." it really put into perspective how hypocritical and stupid people really are. I'm ashamed that George W. Bush is even from the same planet as me. I hope I don't get death threats now.
Aside from the controversy, the chicks also invite us into their homes, the recording studio, backstage, and even into the hospital room both before and after Emily gives birth to her twins, showing off their incredible (undeniable) talent, their amazingly sharp sense of humour, and their true devotion to each other. Natalie is by far the quickest on her feet when it comes to responses to controversy's and stratagizing new moves to keeping the group on top of the game.
When Toby Keith starts picking on the girls, referring to them in a song, and showing pictures of Natalie and Saddam Hussein photo shopped together, she decides to adorn a t-shirt with rhinestones spelling "F. U. T. K", which she covers up as standing for "Friends United Together for Kindness".
Enough rambling about how great this movie is, if you're not already purchasing tickets to go see it, I'm wasting my breath.
5 out of 5 stars.
You Smell Lovely, Darling!

Thursday, November 09, 2006
A rare video for Bjork's song "Unravel" from the Homogenic album. I wasn't even aware that she had released this as a single, the video is not included on her video compilation DVD. A happy surprise for me as this song is definately one of my favorite Bjork ballads, and the video is just as breathtaking and simplistic. "My heart comes undone"...Indeed.
The Sweet Escape: Album Cover

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Beautiful Awkward Pictures

The eleven track album released under the name Toni Collette & The Finish (her band, including husband David Galafassi), was completely written by the Aussie actress, and is a beautiful serving of downplayed evocative folk music. Standout tracks include the optimistic opener This Moment Is Golden, country tinged Johnny's Lips, and the romantic piano ballad first single Beautiful Awkward Pictures.
Spears Split

Monday, November 06, 2006
Yah, This Was A Surprise!

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Studio 1

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Hopelessly Halloween
The Simpsons - Hamlet
One of my favorite Simpsons clips ever. Lisa is too funny. Hey Nonni Nonni!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Look At The Bitch Now

Whitney Houston is now worthy of my attention. Firstly, she has finally gotten the hint after 100 years of marriage that Bobby Brown is bad for her (Christ, monkeys are more clairvoyant than she is....honest to goodness Monkeys), and has filed for divorce. Secondly, she has been receiving drug rehabilitation treatment thanks (allegedly) to Courtney Love and Clive Davis. Thirdly, point one and two have culminated in her looking fabulous at the recent Carousel Of Hope Ball where she accompanied Davis this weekend. Just look at her. Welcome Back Whitney! Now get with the music making.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Christina Aguilera - Hurt
Maintenance people, this is a better version than the first time I posted it. Plus it has the intro. Again, Christina helped in directing this gorgeous video.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Cutest Kid Ever!

Madonna shared the following photo of her new adopted son, David Banda with her husband Guy at the taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show yesterday. The episode (which airs this afternoon), features Madonna live Via-satellite from London for a half hour of the show, clearing up rumours and misconceptions about the adoption.

Is that not the cutest picture you've ever seen?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Shut The Fuck Up
This is only 9 seconds long but it is so worth it. Ms. Streisand telling the heckling fan to "Shut The Fuck Up". Too Funny.
Dreamgirls Print Ads

I still don't know if I will be going to see the Dreamgirls Movie when it comes out because it has three of my mortal enemies in it, Beyonce (who I'm sort of warming up to since I like quite a few tracks off her latest album), Jamie Foxx (who did one good film and won an Oscar for it, that's bullshit), and Eddie Murphy (who I can only enjoy when he's an animated jackass). But just for the fact that it's Dreamgirls....I may have to see it regardless.

These print ads aren't helping though. The only one that looks good to me is the generic one. *SIGH*! I don't know what to do.

Jennifer Garner Is Hot!

Sorry for the rather obvious title to this post, but it's true, she looks amazing. This is a picture of Jenn at the Hollywood Film Festival's 10th Annual Hollywood Awards (Christ, say that 5 times quick). She was on hand to support husband Ben Affleck who won Best Supporting Actor of the Year (what for, I have no idea). I really miss Alias now. (Look at the rock on that ring finger).
Next up for Jenn is the romantic comedy "Catch And Release" with Timothy Olyphant, Kevin Smith and Juliette Lewis. Plus she is also one of many stars to contribute her voice to the live action "Charlotte's Web" film. Both are due for release in 2007.
Monday, October 23, 2006
My, Uncle Sam How You've Changed

Ryan Phillippe, star of the new Clint Eastwood film "Flags Of Our Fathers" and of course best known as Mr. Reese Witherspoon (they really are a gorgeous couple), is gracing the November cover of "greatest magazine of all time" Interview magazine. Does this man ever age? He always looks exactly the same, no younger, no older. He looks great regardless but the cover picture does look a bit like his head was plastered on someone else's body due to the lighting.

This film might be Ryan's "Walk The Line" according to what I've heard so far. I sort of like him now. Just for the fact that when Reese won her Academy Award he was tipsy from drinking with Shirley MacLaine earlier on in the evening. I love shit like that. Who doesn't want to get blatto with Shirley MacLaine?
Madonna On Oprah

Hey Kids! Don't forget to watch or set your vcr/TiVo to record Madonna on Oprah this Wednesday October 25th. She will be discussing the adoption of baby David, and will probably promote the English Roses sequel. Can't wait!
Happy Viewing!
Update: Half of the the show will be intended for Madonna, and the other half will be a featured interview with The Dixie Chicks about their documentary "Shut Up And Sing". I'd be happier if Oprah did a full hour with each of them, but....what can you do?
Robbie Williams - Rudebox
Dear Lord! Why do I find this so funny? This is the newest music video from Robbie Williams. Oh Robbie, how could you? I think this might be the most tongue-in-cheek Robbie has ever gone. It's a little over the top (okay, a lot). But I find him cute that way. ;)
Friday, October 20, 2006
Tara's New Music

One of my other favorite Canadian artists (I have about six and I have already established that Emm and Alanis are two of them), Tara MacLean is releasing her third solo album in January 2007. It has been a long time since Tara has released anything on her own, not since 2000's Passenger which spawned the hits "If I Fall" and "Divided" (the first of which is the first song I ever sang in front of a proper audience) has she been in a recording studio by herself. She has been working with her new husband Ted and ex-husband Bill Bell on the production and writing of the new material. I cannot wait for this album, her voice is so pure, crisp and ethereal, she gives me goosebumps, and she is just as amazing live, so I hope this project will include some solo touring.

In the meantime, Tara has once again teamed up with her two best Gal Pals, Kim Stockwood and Damhnait Doyle, to reform the group Shaye, who's second recording entitled "Lake of Fire" will be released November 7th. The titletrack first single is already circulating on Canadian radio. The tracklisting for the album is as follows...
1) I Don't Wanna Die Today
2) Lake Of Fire
3) We Will Not Be Lovers
4) Stay
5) We Are Water
6) This Is The Moment
7) Ocean Of Sorrows
8) Someway Somehow
9) You're Not Alone
10) So Far Gone
11) I Can't Say
12) Star
13) Tupelo Honey
If you are interested in hearing samples of the album you can do so here http://www.shayemusic.com/Juke/index.asp .
NBC Doesn't Live To Tell!

I could not be more upset. NBC has decided not to show Madonna mounted on the mirrored cross donning a crown of thorns during the Live To Tell portion of the Confession's Tour telecast on November 20th. Christian groups in America threatened to boycott one of the major sponsors of the telecast, and so NBC has decided that they will not cut the song from the showing but just edit it so you can only see her from certain angles not including the cross or the crown.
Why bother? We know it's there. It's not blasphemous, and if Christians have a problem with it then hey, here's a thought, don't fuckin' watch it. I'd rather they just cut the song altogether, because that is bullshit.

And as far as the Madonna adoption goes, I find it hysterical that.....
1) it was splashed all over the front page of the Toronto Star newspaper
2) it has been deemed a global controversy
3) People seem to have a problem with the star adopting a one year old from Malawi
Let's break it down shall we? She adopted an orphaned boy from an extremely disadvantaged background and has moved him to live in luxury with her and her loving family. God, the members of the media and of the Malawian adoption services are right, she's a horrible horrible person. The fact that moving the boy so early from his village might be illegal, is ridiculous to me. There is no doubt that Madonna can provide a good life for the kid (Hello!?!), and there are worse crimes to commit, don't you think?